A message from Dwight
Greetings Everyone and Welcome to my website. My second novel, The Knees of Gullah Island, will be in stores in March 2008. This prequel to The Legend of Quito Road examines the life of Gillam Hale and his search for his wife Queen Esther and the five children they had together.
This is a timeless story of love, loss, hope, and rebirth. Together, let’s explore the complex racial dynamics that shaped the South through one family’s extraordinary journey to freedom. The theme of this book is “bent knees straighten crooked deeds.”
It has been a wonderful experience telling these stories to readers and audiences. I want to personally thank so many of you for your support and interest in my work. I am looking forward to sharing more with each of you and continuing my mission to inform, entertain, inspire, and enlighten all I encounter.
God Bless! Take Care, and Be Safe. Dwight Fryer
Dwight Fryer sitting under a hedgerow of Osage
Orange trees at Chisholm Creek Park in Wichita, Kansas.